Sunday, March 13, 2011

belated again! twelve weeks!

This whole working thing is really putting  a hitch on my blogging.

Twelve weeks. Whoa. I cannot believe how much my life has changed in twelve short weeks.  I can't believe it's only been twelve weeks. I can't believe it's already been twelve weeks.  I can't believe how this chunky little boy has so utterly transformed my life. I can't believe how fast he's grown. I can't believe how much I love him and how much I adore being his mom. 


  1. so short and sweet and Nailed It.

  2. Your son is ADORABLE!!! Times flies when you have kids...I wish it could slow down a little.

  3. So CUTE! He is just about the cutest thing ever.

  4. Happy 12 weeks! Time flies!!! Love the photo/s!
