I haven't really talked here about the fact that Lamine is Muslim---or, for that matter, the fact that I am not. I have received so many questions from people concerned about our different faiths. Most of the time I don't mind it. I try to use it as an opportunity for people to see the Islam isn't this awful, hate-filled religion. In my opinion, it's pretty hard to hold on to that mindset when you meet people like Lamine. Lamine is one of the most patient and most generous human beings I've ever met, and I'm so proud to be married to this amazing man. If being Muslim gives him the strength to be all of those things, then more power to him.
Senegal also has a great tradition of religious tolerance. The country is predominately Muslim, but about 10% of the population is Catholic, and they have never had a religious conflict. The two religions celebrate one anther's holidays and support each other in practicing their chosen religion. While I was in Senegal, I was so blown away by this. There was never a Catholic vs. Muslim issue. Everyone lived together and respected one another.
A lot of people have also expressed concern about what religion our child will be raised. The answer to that question is Muslim. Why? Well, I haven't really practiced a specific religion in years. I do believe in God, and I pray frequently, but I don't participate in any specific religious community. Also, I believe that there is beauty (and ugliness, for that matter), to be found in most religions.
Lamine doesn't mind that I think this way. He does believe that everyone should have a belief in God, but he doesn't mind if that belief is Christian, Jewish, Muslim, etc. He does, however, really want his children to be raised Muslim. If they later choose a different religion, that is there choice, but they will be raised participating in Muslim holidays, etc.There are many reasons why I don't have a problem with our child being raised Muslim, but if our son turns out to be as sweet, kind, loving, and tolerant as Lamine, then I have no right to complain. I will be beyond proud.
Well, this has become a lengthy post. Excuse me if I rambled. I'm a little tired and this post is probably not very coherent, but I wanted to share something today.
Also-I can just imagine our son alongside Lamine next Tabaski (Eid) like this little guy is :)
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